Understanding Movies

Category: Kindle Store,Kindle eBooks,Humor & Entertainment

Understanding Movies Details

For courses in Introduction to Film   An engaging, accessible introduction to film Understanding Movies(2-Downloads) provides valuable insight into the language of film and how meaning is conveyed to audiences. Author Louis Giannetti engages students in the fascinating language systems and techniques of film and helps further their appreciation and understanding of why and how movie watchers respond as they do to different films. Building upon the visually engaging and accessible presentation of previous editions, the Fourteenth Edition adds updated photos, new content on the latest cinematic trends, and coverage of recent films to provide students a new way of looking at films that are familiar to them.


The original price for this book was something I could,'t afford. I found a used version of this book for my 'Intro into Cinema' online class. I peeled the 'used' stickers off and saw it was the instructor's version! how lucky am I! So far I'm a 'B' average...

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